Spécial Croatie Master Class Marko Mestrovic
- vostMarko Meštrović est un peintre, réalisateur et musicien croate, batteur du groupe de musique ethnique Cinkusi.
Né en 1972 à Stuttgart en Allemagne, il vit et travaille à Zagreb. Diplômé de la Faculté des Beaux- Arts de Zagreb en section peinture, il monte plusieurs expositions personnelles et collectives. En 2000, il se lance dans le cinéma d’animation. Ses films sont récompensés et remarqués dans de nombreux festivals. Why the Elephants ? son dernier court métrage a remporté le prix du meilleur film d’animation au festival de films croate ASIFA de Zagreb.
Marko Meštrović is a Croatian artist, film maker and musician as well as the drummer for the ethnic music band “Cinkusi ”. Born in Stuttgart in Germany, he graduated in Painting from the Zagreb School of Fine Arts and went on to show his work in several personal and group exhibitions. In 2000, he directed his career towards animation film making. His films have since been rewarded and acclaimed at many festivals. His latest short, Why the Elephants ? won the best animation award at the ASIFA Festival of Croatian films in Zagreb.